Quick Start Guide
Step One: Place Script Element
The following code will pull in the Churnkey client-side module and add it under the window.churnkey
namespace so that you can later initialize the Churnkey Cancel Flow for your customers. Place it in the HTML <head>
element. YOUR_APP_ID
can be found in Your Account.
if (!window.churnkey || !window.churnkey.created) {
window.churnkey = { created: true };
const a = document.createElement('script');
a.src = 'https://assets.churnkey.co/js/app.js?appId=YOUR_APP_ID';
a.async = true;
const b = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);
Step Two: Generate Secure HMAC Hash

To ensure that all customer requests processed by Churnkey are authorized, server-side verification is implemented. This involves generating an HMAC hash on the customer ID (or subscription ID for Paddle users) using SHA-256 hashing. Before triggering the Churnkey flow, a request is sent to the server to (a) validate the request's authenticity, typically using existing authorization measures, and (b) compute the customer's ID hash. Below are examples in various backend languages.
const crypto = require("crypto");
const user_hash = crypto.createHmac(
API_KEY // Your Churnkey API Key (keep this safe)
).update(CUSTOMER_ID).digest("hex"); // Send to front-end
Step Three: Launch Churnkey
Once the HMAC hash has been generated, you can initialize and display the Churnkey Cancel Flow by calling window.churnkey.init('show')
. Typically, you will attach an event listener to a "cancel" button.
Adding the authHash
Simply use the Server Side Authentication section above to implement an HMAC hash function and pass that value into the authHash
document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
window.churnkey.init('show', {
subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID' // recommended unless Paddle Classic
customerId: 'CUSTOMER_ID', // required unless Paddle Classic
authHash: 'HMAC_HASH', // required
appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', // required
mode: 'live', // set to 'test' to hit test billing provider environment
provider: 'stripe', // set to 'stripe', 'chargebee', 'braintree', 'paddle'
record: true, // set to false to skip session playback recording
const customerId = user.customerId // get your customerId
const res = await fetch("/api/churnkey", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
if (!res.ok) {
console.error("Failed to fetch user_hash");
const { userHash } = await res.json();
document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
window.churnkey.init('show', {
customerId: customerId, // required unless Paddle
authHash: userHash, // required
subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID' // recommended unless Paddle
appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', // required
mode: 'live', // set to 'test' to hit test billing provider environment
provider: 'stripe', // set to 'stripe', 'chargebee', 'braintree', 'paddle'
record: true, // set to false to skip session playback recording