Payment Recovery

Payment Recovery

Getting Started with Payment Recovery

Recover failed payment revenue, automatically.

Utilize automated, customizable email campaigns to recover revenue that would otherwise be lost to failed payments.


Payment Recovery Analytics dashboard allows for everything from at-a-glance overview of bigger picture payment recovery progress to close monitoring of individual, active campaigns.
Payment Recovery Analytics dashboard allows for everything from at-a-glance overview of bigger picture payment recovery progress to close monitoring of individual, active campaigns.

In your Payment Recovery dashboard, monitor your recovery breakdowns and track active email campaigns that are in progress.

Lifetime Performance

At a glance, see how many active campaigns there are, cumulative emails sent, and emails scheduled.

Payment Recovery Advanced Settings

Setup of the details of your campaigns in the Payment Recovery < Advanced Settings page.

Payment Recovery Setup

Configure your payment recovery page, payment update page, and email domain addresses.

BCC Dunning Emails

Send dunning emails to your CRM or support channels by automatically adding a BCC’d address to monitor your campaign, who is receiving these, and easily keep record where it matters.

Stripe Settings Update

We recommend turning off emails from Stripe but allowing for the Stripe Smart retries at 4 attempts per 30 days. For recommended Stripe settings, see our FAQ.

Precision Retries

A smarter retry schedule for failed cards.

Precision retries are a scheduled failed payment retry system that takes advantage of days when payments are more likely to succeed. These days include traditional paydays such as the first and fourteenth of the month. Over time precision retries will adapt to the needs of your customer base.

Enable and disable Precision Retries under Payment Recovery<Advanced Settings.

Payment Recovery Advanced Settings page allows for campaign details setup, adding BCC emails of campaigns, Precision Retries, and Stripe Settings.
Payment Recovery Advanced Settings page allows for campaign details setup, adding BCC emails of campaigns, Precision Retries, and Stripe Settings.

Get started with Precision Retries today by reaching out to [email protected] for more details.

Campaign Initiation

Payment recovery campaigns are initiated

Learn more about customizing your Payment Recovery Campaigns →

Contact us today at [email protected] to get started with Payment Recovery.


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