
Subscriptions - Controller

List and retrieve `Subscription` models.

To implement the Subscriptions controller, you need to implement 2 API endpoints, we will use these endpoints to fetch subscriptions from your system.


Subscription Model

Subscription to a product or service.


Prices - Controller

You must implement a Prices controller first.


Coupons - Controller

If you have subscription-level discounts, you may need to implement a Coupons controller first.

OptionalDiscount Offer


If you are using the SDK, you can implement the Subscriptions controller by following the code example below. You don't need to get into the details of the API endpoints, the SDK will take care of that for you.

import { Integrator } from '@churnkey/sdk'
import { Context } from '../Context'
import { Subscription } from '../models/Subscription'
import { Prices } from './Prices'

export const Subscriptions = Integrator.Subscriptions.config({
    ctx: Context,
    Prices: Prices,
    async retrieve(ctx, options) {
        const yourSubscription = await ctx.db.findSubscription(options.customerId,
        return new Subscription(yourSubscription)
    async list(ctx, options) {
        const yourSubscriptions = await ctx.db.listSubscriptions({
            customerId: options.customerId,
            limit: options.limit,
            offset: options.cursor // the value you passed as `next` below
        return {
            data: => new Subscription(subscription)),
            // pass the next cursor if there are more items
            next: yourSubscriptions.length === options.limit ? offset + limit : undefined


Retrieve Required

GET /churnkey/customers/:customerId/subscriptions/:id

This endpoint fetches Subscription by its id. Usually, implementation will include finding a subscription in your database and mapping it to the Subscription model.

List Optional

GET /churnkey/customers/:customerId/subscriptions

This endpoint fetches a list of subscriptions from your database. You should find subscriptions in your database (with pagination), map them to the Subscription model and return a paginated list.

Learn more about pagination.