
Change Price - Action

Changes the price and/or product of a subscription.

Required for Change Price Offer to work.

To implement the Change Price action, you need to implement an endpoint and define features


Subscriptions - Controller

You must implement a Subscriptions controller first.


Prices - Controller

You must implement a Prices controller first.


Cancel - Action

Price change is a part of the cancel flow. You must implement the Cancel action first.



If you are using the SDK, you can implement the Change Price action by following the code example below. You don't need to get into the details of the API endpoints, the SDK will take care of that for you.

import { Integrator } from '@churnkey/sdk'
import { Subscriptions } from '../controllers/Subscriptions'
import { Prices } from '../controllers/Prices'

export const ChangePrice = Integrator.ChangePrice.config({
    Subscriptions: Subscriptions,
    Prices: Prices,
    features: {
        enabled: true,
        schedules: {
            [Integrator.ChangePrice.Schedule.Immediate]: true,
            [Integrator.ChangePrice.Schedule.EndOfPeriod]: true
        prorate: true
    async handle(ctx, options) {
        const subscription = await this.subscriptions.retrieve({
            customerId: options.customerId,
            id: options.subscriptionId

        const price = await this.prices.retrieve({
            id: options.price

        await ctx.db.changePrice({ subscription, price, at: options.scheduledAt, prorate: options.prorate })


Handle Required

POST /churnkey/actions/subscription/apply-coupon

This endpoint changes a price of subscription. You should find the subscription by customerId and subscriptionId and set a new price to it.

Options for this action provided in the request body.

Features required

Features define which behavior is supported for the Change Price action. Depending on the features you enabled, requests body will have different options.