Email-Verified Cancel Flow

Email-Verified Cancel Flow

Managed Flow with Customer Email Verification

Our managed email based setup takes care of customer verification for you. When triggered (Step Two), your customer will be asked to enter their email address. We'll send a verification code to your customer to verify their account, and then we'll handle the rest. This is the easiest way to get started with Churnkey.

1. Insert the Churnkey JS Snippet

The following code will pull in the Churnkey client-side module and add it under the window.churnkey namespace so that you can later initialize the offboarding flow for your customers. Place it in the HTML <head> element.

  if (!window.churnkey || !window.churnkey.created) {
    window.churnkey = { created: true };
    const a = document.createElement('script');
    a.src = '';
    a.async = true;
    const b = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);

2. Linking your cancel button to your cancel flow

document.getElementById('BUTTON_ID').addEventListener('click', function () {
  window.churnkey.managedFlow('show', {
    appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
    mode: 'live',
    provider: 'stripe',
    prefilled: {
      email: '[email protected]', //optional
    customerDataEndpoint: 'https://your_company_endpoint/customer-data' //optional

How it Works

After your customer enters their email address, we will send a verification code to that email. They’ll have 15 minutes to enter the verification code, at which point they will proceed to the Churnkey cancel flow as usual. You can customize the verification email, including which address it comes from and the subject line, on Churnkey | Flows | Settings.


Configuration Options

You can use all of the same configuration options from our standard setup.

Customer Attributes with a Data Endpoint

Our customer data endpoint is particularly relevant for email based setups, since you may not have access to which customer is cancelling before they enter their email address.

Once a customer’s email address has been verified and Churnkey finds the matching customer ID within your payment provider data, if customerDataEndpoint is defined, Churnkey will make a POST request to that endpoint.

POST https://your_company_endpoint/customer-data

  customerId: 'cus_4815162342',
  signature: 'signed_customer_hmac'

The signature will match the signed customerId as described with Server Side Authentication.

The expected return format is:

  customerId: 'cus_4815162342', // optional
  subscriptionId: 'sub_48153811', // optional
  customerAttributes: {
    // key-value pairs
    exampleNumber: 42,
    exampleBoolean: true,
    exampleString: 'active',

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